Our HR Consultant’s Top Tips to Foster a Positive Company Culture
Prioritize Employee Mental Health
The world has recently undergone a pandemic, and mental health has become more important to employees than ever before. If you want to create a positive company culture, you need to make your employees feel safe and healthy. As such, you may want to start a wellness program at your company to keep your employees’ feeling healthy all year round. You should also encourage employees to work from home when they aren't feeling well. It is important for managers to keep an eye out for signs of stress and burnout. This will promote a healthy culture by caring for each other’s wellbeing.
Get to Know Your Staff
Managers and business owners need to make a point to get to know their employees on a personal basis. At the coffee machine or in the elevator, it can be nice to make small talk with your employees. You can take things a little further by hosting monthly happy hours or social events to get to know your staff.
It is also important to have routine check-in meetings with your workers to see what they are working on, how they are feeling in the company, and what kinds of projects they are interested in taking on. This information can help you better position them in the company to succeed.
Request Feedback
Running a company can mean that you focus on the big-picture ideas as opposed to the day-to-day operations of your organization. That means you may not be able to properly see the things or aspects of your business that could use improvement. Who better to suggest improvements than the people who work there every day? Consider establishing an open-door policy that gives people the chance to voice any concerns to you in person when a certain problem comes up.
Encourage Diversity
As the leader of your organization, you need to go out of your way to create an environment of inclusion. Start by hiring an HR professional who can consult on ways to increase inclusion in your business. In addition, you may want to establish clear consequences in the employee handbook for anyone who hinders your efforts of diversity and harmony.
Recognize and Reward Hard Work
Many employees don't feel adequately appreciated in their current positions. In fact, one study found that 66% of employees would quit if they don’t feel valued at a company.
When you see an employee doing a good job, you should make a point to celebrate their efforts. Acknowledge them in a public way like during team meetings or events. You can also give them some sort of monetary reward for going above and beyond.
Allow for Humor
Work has its stressful moments and being able to make a difficult situation more lighthearted is an invaluable skill. A fresh perspective and positive outlook can go a long way during the busiest seasons at work. Your team will appreciate the lighthearted attitude of the workplace which will motivate them to stick around.
Leverage The Benefits of Hiring an HR Consultant in Denver Today
Are you looking to improve your company’s culture? Hiring an HR consultant is the best way to enhance that culture and guide your business to grow and succeed.
At CourtSide® Consulting, we have decades of experience in the HR industry, and during that time, we have created custom business solutions for small, large, and medium-sized businesses across the U.S. Our skilled consultant team will conduct a complete audit of your organization to identify the most effective ways to improve your culture and support your business goals.
Contact CourtSide® today to learn more from our HR consultant in Denver, CO.