The COVID-19 pandemic has raged across the world for well over a year now. As vaccines become more widely available and social distancing restrictions are slowly lifting, a distant end to the pandemic is in sight. This has led many business owners to wonder how to safely return to the office. Can employers require vaccines? How can you give your workforce absolute peace of mind while at work? We're here to share expert guidance to help you return to work after the COVID-19 pandemic.
What If You Never Had To Write Another Performance Improvement Plan?
Wednesday, 28 October 2020 12:00It's no secret that Performance Improvement Plans (PIP) don't work. As a business, you’ve likely implemented PIPs when an employee’s behavior didn't meet your expectations. For instance, take an employee who has been consistently late to work. You've talked to them about their late arrivals multiple times. You've told them in no uncertain terms how their job impacts the work of others and how they need to be there on time in order to effectively meet the needs of the customer. You’ve left those meetings believing that they understood, but then they show up late once again.
Colorado is burning. This year, our state has experienced its three largest wildfires in recorded history, with two of those fires still active as of this writing. Last week, one of the wildfires grew 100,000 acres overnight. Towns were evacuated. National Parks were closed. Houses were lost. People died.
“It’s just a party where our staff can let their hair down! Don’t take it so seriously! The hot tub will be fine.”
Not long ago that was the holiday party sentiment. Companies wanted a festive atmosphere where the employees and management could get together socially and enjoy each other.
I’ve never been much of a golfer. I remember my dad telling me he wished he had played more golf. So a few years ago when I drove past a mini-golf course on the way to pick up him from summer camp, I decided I was going to surprise my son with a quick 18 holes.
“You’re fired!” Those words became a joke when they were shouted on a popular reality TV show. The reality is, however, that when you fire an employee, it has enormous impact. Firing someone cannot be taken lightly. Not only does it have a financial and emotional impact on the employee and their